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Since the last....

A lot has happened. I have nearly completed first two chapters even though my phone with outline is missing. Totally annoyed by that.


I accidentally misread my web address and couldn't comprehend why I was unable to blog. Felt really stupid on that one. 


I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day. I thank all veterans every day.


Now on with...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Happy birthday, dad! Will never forget you!

Commerce America wants us to forget this day of thanks established by forefathers and Native Americans.  We should refuse and gather with friends, family or someone. It is a moment to thank God, Satan, whomever you worship or those around you. Even though we don't mind working through life alone, it's a time to appreciate not having to do so.

I lost my father to COPD earlier this year. Today is his 64th birthday. Not thankful for the loss, but thankful for him as a father.

Watch Family, Friends and All Around You

I found out today that a classmate from high school passed away from a heroine overdose.  I haven't seen her since then and was never really close with her, but I knew her.  Loss of her hits me oddly with emotion that I cannot really describe.  I hate that she leaves two daughters behind.

Sadly, one of my cousins that I have not seen for years, died the same way earlier this year.  Unfortunately, her mother found her.  

Another of my classmates took her own life also leaving behind two daughters.  She lived on the same street I did, but did not move there until about sixth grade.  

Losing my father to COPD in June, I have trouble accepting these kinds of loss.  I wish my father never smoked, but they did not see cigarettes the way we do now back in his youth.  We are raised and generally hear to not do drugs from somewhere.  Whether from parents, school, friends, church, television, radio, internet or a stranger on the street, I guarantee you heard it.  I never understood taking heroine as most people hate shots. Yet, it still draws to some. Then, the suicide is a whole other issue.  That is asking for death right now and not taking no for an answer.

However, in all of these, someone exists that questions why.  I can spout off various logic and emotion.  Yet, I cannot describe the emotion bothering me right now.

Je suisse Charlie!

France remember those in the USA stand strong with you as you also did for us.  

God blesses us all and ISIS needs to learn of humanity.  

Testing new app for site.  Not sure yet.

FYI, if your interested.  As a writer, I choose to talk with other authors and blog.  As a Multiple Sclerosis patient, I choose to video blog.  So, if you desire to read our see me in other locations, search me on YouTube or Blogger.

Oh, Weather, why must you hate me?

Or, is that the other way around?  Um... okay, I admit the weather is not always my personal friend.  I hate the bitter cold and have trouble with hot weather due to Multiple Sclerosis.

Yet, I know it is wrong of me to blame the weather because it is simply a lot of air molecules reacting with other elements.  Not like it has a choice...

Premature Political Ejaculation

We all know our government officials are voted in by society.  The progress is often a disappointment, but we still state we are represented in our government.  Well, most of us hang onto the feeling.

Politicians often seem like a love affair.  Some you adore, others can be the old boyfriend you wish didn't exist.  As we are in the time period to elect a President once again, please remember each is selling love and prefers to spout glory without giving you satisfaction.

Have a great time at the polls!

The Dreading of Tuesday

Yes, this coming Tuesday will be a major headache.  Tuesday is time to vote for Virginia Primary.  With all the drama at the polls, I am unsure which will be louder.  Politicians or my dog barking at the voters as they enter the school behind our residence.

The Not So Fun In Writing

Writers often talk about how fun writing is as a job.  They fail to mention the other required moments that are not really fun.  Marketing is one of those moments for me.  Figuring all possible marketing angels and making it happen is time consuming.  I suppose it is why a lot of people hire agents and publicists.


Oh well, just another day.  Now back to completing Feline Moments and configuring marketing.

What Characters Are Desired

I am in the process of writing Treasure In The Past.  By previous blog posts, I am sure you are aware of it.  Half-way through with a draft, I am wondering of ways to make the characters more desirable, hateful and many other characteristics.


I know authors often collide knowledge and imagination in creating characters.  However, I wonder upon certain traits becoming unbelievable.  Everyone has their own thoughts on characteristics.  Not many people often think of a noble family man as an abuser, but it happens.  So, in a sense, I may write a reality of an individual I do not know.  I guess that is why authors put the disclaimers on novels explaining it is fiction.


Well, since I am babbling, I shall get back to work.  Projected release date is November 11, 2016.  Keep your eyes out.


Intro to Treasures In The Past

Questions I am asking when writing Treasures In The Past.

Do you remember your past to help you decide upon your future?

If you moved on to a new location, does it make the past location bad?

If you see someone with emotional pain, do you attempt to help them?

Is it possible for a servant to become more to an employer?

Does not knowing family at a young age make it harder to believe they care about you?

Hints on the Next Novel

Currently working on my third novel.  Here is a hint on the cover of Treasure In The Past.  I shall release in November.


So stay tuned.


Make Election Day A Holiday

Members of Congress will decide if election day should become a holiday.  I am still debating on if it would do any good for anyone other than politicians.

Not all businesses are closed on national holidays.  And of those that are, not all will pay their staff for the holiday forcing them to use vacation days.  The holiday would make students safer since a lot of election polls are at schools and with a holiday they wouldn't be there.

With all that, I cannot help but to think it will only assist government officials in having another day off.  Time will tell.